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Friday March 14, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:30 AM - 5:00 PM    Kid's Day Out! - Kids Day Out 3/14- Urban Air
Kids Day Out- In-Service Day Childcare Program!No school because of In-Service Day? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! We will provide lots of activities and excitement to your child's day! Cost: Res $55 Non-Res $65Grades: K-6 Dates: 10/11, 3/14, 4/18Time: 7:30 AM—5:00 PM Location: Buxton Town HallMinimum: 15  Maximum:50 Kids Day Out Trip Schedule: 10/11- Pumpkin Valley3/14- Urban Air  *Waiver needed to be filled out4/18- Bowl-A-RamaPlease send your child with lunch, snacks, weather-appropriate clothing, and a water bottle!Cost of program includes care from 7:30 AM—5:00 PM. Drop off/Pick Up is at Buxton Town Hall.Questions? Please contact Matt Willis, Childcare Programmer, at
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Saturday March 15, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Sunday March 16, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Monday March 17, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Tuesday March 18, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Wednesday March 19, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Flag Football - Flag Football
Is your child a football fanatic? This after school activity is a fan favorite! In this 6 week program, Athletes will be broken into 4 different teams where they will play different teams in a round robin style. This program is ideal for all playing levels and is created to create a positive sportsmanship environment! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to the gym at 2:45. Please send sneakers, water bottle, and a snack with your child. Pick up is at 4PM at the BCES flagpoleDates: Wednesday's 3/12-4/9Times: 3PM-4PMGrades: 3rd-5thCost: $30 Res and $35 Non-Res Location: Buxton Center Elementary School
Thursday March 20, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Friday March 21, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM    The Big Brain Off - The Big Brain Off (Spring #1)
Test your brain muscles in this epic trivia showdown! Come and see if you know the answer to all the facts! If you win you get to choose from the prize vault! Light refreshments will be provided!Spring 2025 Dates:3/21, 4/25, 5/16Summer Dates:6/20, 7/11, 8/22Time: 2:00 PM to 3:00PMLocation:Buxton Town Hall Meeting RoomIf you have any questions please contact Natalie St Onge at
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Buxton Junior Engineers - Buxton Jr Engineers
Join us for our first STEM based program of 2025, Buxton Junior Engineers! This program will test your child's creativity as each week they plan, design, and build a wide variety of projects using different materials and techniques! Dates: Fridays 2/28-4/4 * there will be no class on 3/14 due to the teacher in-service day. When: Fridays, 3PM-4PMWhere: Buxton Center Elementary SchoolGrades: 3rd-5thPrice: $45 res and $50 non-res
Saturday March 22, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Sunday March 23, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Monday March 24, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Tuesday March 25, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Wednesday March 26, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Flag Football - Flag Football
Is your child a football fanatic? This after school activity is a fan favorite! In this 6 week program, Athletes will be broken into 4 different teams where they will play different teams in a round robin style. This program is ideal for all playing levels and is created to create a positive sportsmanship environment! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to the gym at 2:45. Please send sneakers, water bottle, and a snack with your child. Pick up is at 4PM at the BCES flagpoleDates: Wednesday's 3/12-4/9Times: 3PM-4PMGrades: 3rd-5thCost: $30 Res and $35 Non-Res Location: Buxton Center Elementary School
Thursday March 27, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 1:00 PM    Savor Your Health: Lunch and Learn - Savor Your Health: Fall Prevention
Spend your lunch with us learning all there is about your health and wellness! Once a month, a speaker will join us to discuss different wellness topics. Make sure to reserve your spot that way we can plan accordingly for the number of meals. Lunch and light refreshments will be provided! *Please let us know ahead of time of your allergy and food restrictions*  Location: Buxton Town Hall Meeting RoomTime: 11:30am to 1:00pm Cost: $3.00 Res and $5.00 Non-ResMarchDate: Thursday March 27thTopic: Fall Prevention by USM Students Lunch: Spaghetti and Salad AprilDate: Thursday April 24thTopic: Scams by Buxton Police Department and Captain Marisa Morrison of Buxton Fire-RescueLunch: Ham, Mash Potatoes, Vegetable, And RollsMayDate: Thursday May 29thTopic: Town of Buxton Resource PanelLunch: Taco's with Rice, Corn, and Beans
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Friday March 28, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Buxton Junior Engineers - Buxton Jr Engineers
Join us for our first STEM based program of 2025, Buxton Junior Engineers! This program will test your child's creativity as each week they plan, design, and build a wide variety of projects using different materials and techniques! Dates: Fridays 2/28-4/4 * there will be no class on 3/14 due to the teacher in-service day. When: Fridays, 3PM-4PMWhere: Buxton Center Elementary SchoolGrades: 3rd-5thPrice: $45 res and $50 non-res
Saturday March 29, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Sunday March 30, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Monday March 31, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Tuesday April 1, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:00 AM    Snow Shoe Rentals - Snowshoe Rental- 2024/2025
Come to the Bar Mills Fire Station 174 Portland Rd and borrow a pair of snow shoes! There are many trails behind town hall or feel free to take them home for the weekend! These snow shoes are available FREE OF CHARGE to Buxton residents! There is a $20 deposit per pair required, that will be given back when the snow shoes are returned.Snow shoes may be borrowed for up to 5 days. Snow shoes are available on a first come-first serve basis.The Buxton Recreation and Employees are not responsible for any injuries that may occur as a result of these rentals. Please consult your physician before engaging in any physical activity or exercise.
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Wednesday April 2, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Flag Football - Flag Football
Is your child a football fanatic? This after school activity is a fan favorite! In this 6 week program, Athletes will be broken into 4 different teams where they will play different teams in a round robin style. This program is ideal for all playing levels and is created to create a positive sportsmanship environment! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to the gym at 2:45. Please send sneakers, water bottle, and a snack with your child. Pick up is at 4PM at the BCES flagpoleDates: Wednesday's 3/12-4/9Times: 3PM-4PMGrades: 3rd-5thCost: $30 Res and $35 Non-Res Location: Buxton Center Elementary School
Thursday April 3, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Friday April 4, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Buxton Junior Engineers - Buxton Jr Engineers
Join us for our first STEM based program of 2025, Buxton Junior Engineers! This program will test your child's creativity as each week they plan, design, and build a wide variety of projects using different materials and techniques! Dates: Fridays 2/28-4/4 * there will be no class on 3/14 due to the teacher in-service day. When: Fridays, 3PM-4PMWhere: Buxton Center Elementary SchoolGrades: 3rd-5thPrice: $45 res and $50 non-res
Saturday April 5, 2025
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Sunday April 6, 2025
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Monday April 7, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Tuesday April 8, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Wednesday April 9, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM    Flag Football - Flag Football
Is your child a football fanatic? This after school activity is a fan favorite! In this 6 week program, Athletes will be broken into 4 different teams where they will play different teams in a round robin style. This program is ideal for all playing levels and is created to create a positive sportsmanship environment! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to the gym at 2:45. Please send sneakers, water bottle, and a snack with your child. Pick up is at 4PM at the BCES flagpoleDates: Wednesday's 3/12-4/9Times: 3PM-4PMGrades: 3rd-5thCost: $30 Res and $35 Non-Res Location: Buxton Center Elementary School
Thursday April 10, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Friday April 11, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
Saturday April 12, 2025
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM    Buxton Rec Bunny Trail - Buxton Rec Bunny Trail 2025
The Easter Bunny has left a trail of surprises for Buxton children at Town Farm Park!  Bring your basket as you navigate the search for eggs! Families with children of all ages are invited to register!Date: Saturday April 12th, 2025Time: 9am-10:30amLocation: Town Farm Park Cost: FREE!How to RSVP: We would like to make sure that the Easter Bunny doesn't leave anyone out we ask you to register for this free event! To register your family: Log into your account, and follow the prompts. You only need to register one person in your family to reserve your spot. When you get to the end, it will ask you to make a payment. Because this is a free program, no payment is required! Once we see the pending registration, we will move it through and send you a confirmation!Please call Buxton Recreation at 929-8381 with any questions!
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Sunday April 13, 2025
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
Monday April 14, 2025
7:00 AM - 8:25 AM    Childcare Programs - Before School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.
11:30 AM - 5:30 PM    Early Release Adventures - Early Release Adventures
Program full, to be placed on the wait list please contact the recreation office at 929-8381. Early Release Adventure Program: Hours: 12:30am-5:30pmOur Early Release Program provides care for families who need are looking to keep their children occupied during the afternoons when school is out! Children will be dismissed from their classroom to Early Release Program at 12:30! Our Early Release Program will offer crafts, gym time, and special activities such as seasonal arts and crafts, and much more!'24/'25 Cost: $265*includes all Early Release Days '24/'25 Activities Schedule: 9/18: First Early Release 10/2: Free Choice Crafts10/23: Pumpkin Decorating11/6: Fall Crafts12/11: Cookie Decorating1/8: Winter Crafts1/29: 2/12: Valentines Day Crafts3/5:3/19: 4/2: Spring Crafts5/7: Mothers Day Crafts5/21: For more info contact Matt Willis, Childcare Services Programmer at 
2:45 PM - 5:30 PM    Childcare Programs - After School Care 2024/2025
'24-'25 Childcare Registrations will open on Monday, July 22nd for returning families. Any remaining spots will open up on Monday, July 29th. More info will be announced in the next couple of weeks. Childcare Information: The Buxton Recreation Department is proud to offer a variety of child care programs to fit your families needs this fall! Our goal is to provide a safe, fun, and engaging social environment for all children in our community during out-of-school times. Our Childcare Programs take place right at Buxton Center Elementary School, Monday-Friday, and provides easy transition to and from the classrooms. Each program offers outdoor play whenever possible. Please read the Buxton Recreation Parent Handbook before registering for a program, as it will answer your questions about our medications, and pick-up/drop-off procedures. If you have questions, please call our office at 207-929-8381.Before School Childcare - (PROGRAM FULL)Hours: 7:00 AM—8:25 AMOur Before School Program takes place at the Buxton Center Elementary School. Hours are 7:00 AM – 8:25 AM. Drop off is at the gym/cafeteria entrance to the school. Children may not be dropped off earlier that 7:00 AM. Gym games, small art projects, and board games will be a part of each morning. Children will be dismissed to their classroom at 8:25 AM. After School Childcare- (PROGRAM FULL) Hours: 2:45 PM—5:30 PMThe After Care Program starts at 2:45 PM. Children get dismissed from their classroom to the BCES Gym for attendance. Activities include free play, board games, and art activities. This program will be outdoors as much as possible. All children receive snack after attendance, but feel free to send along an extra one for them! After Care closes at 5:30 PM. Pick-up is either on the playground or at the gym/cafeteria entrance. Pick up for this program will not start until 3:30 PM due to the schools new dismissal procedures. Parents/Guardians will list authorized pick-ups at the time of registrationPlease note that there will be NO aftercare on early release days. If you need the childcare for the scheduled early release days please sign up for our Early Release Program as this will be a separate program. '24/'25 Before Care Pricing 5 days/week-$200 a month4 days/week-$192 a month3 days/week- $168 a month'24/'25 Aftercare Pricing 5 days/week - $280 a month 4 days/week- $256 a month3 days/week- $216 a month * Monlthy rates for our aftercare program do not include early release days. * above pricing is approximate based on each months school day. Each month will varyIf you have questions regarding the 2023/2024 Childcare Programs, please call Buxton Recreation at 207-929-8381.