Buxton Recreation
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Mom's Group Outing Register View Cart

Mom's group is having its very first outing! If you love to go thrifting this is your trip! We will start our day getting brunch then we will be on our way to the Gorham farmer's market and three different thrift stores. Have a day away from the kids and socialize with other moms including those who are expecting or are in the TTC community!

Date: Saturday May 10th, 2025
Departing Buxton Town Hall: 9:15am
Returning to Buxton Town Hall: 3:30(ish)
Cost: $5 Res/Non-Res
Age: 21+

For questions please call the office at (207) 929-8381 or email Natalie at nstonge@buxton.me.us

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Mom's Group Outing 
21y and up N/A Sa  05/10/2025
09:15 AM - 03:30 PM

Town Hall, Recreation Dept
$5.00 R, $5.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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