Buxton Recreation
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Saltbox Lavender Farm - Wreath Making Workshop Register View Cart

Spend your Tuesday morning with us learning something new while the smell of lavender floats throughout the air! We will be visiting Buxton's Saltbox Lavender Farm! While there we will be attending a lavender wreath making workshop and then having a picnic lunch at the farm. Be sure to pack your own picnic lunch supplies!

Date: Tuesday July 15th, 2025
Cost: $58 Res /$62 Non-Res
Age: 21+

Departing Buxton Town Hall: 9:40am 
Workshop/Picnic Lunch: 10am-12:30pm (ish)
Leaving Saltbox Lavender Farm: 12:35pm 
Arriving Back to Buxton Town Hall: 12:45pm

For more info contact Natalie at nstonge@buxton.me.us

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Saltbox Lavender Farm - Wreath Making Workshop 
21y - 110y N/A Tu  07/15/2025
09:40 AM - 12:45 PM

Town Hall, Recreation Dept
$58.00 R, $62.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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