Buxton Recreation
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Older Americans Month Celebration Register View Cart

Older Americans Month
The month of May is dedicated to Older Americans. In 1963, John F. Kennedy designated May as Senior Citizen Month, which is now Older Americans Month. This dedication was to bring attention to the needs of older Americans. A celebration that honors the wisdom and experience of older people, and encourages Americans to recognize and pay tribute to them. Come join in this celebration and honor all older Americans. Lunch will be served. 

Date: Thursday, May 15
Departing Buxton Town Hall: 9:25AM
Departing South Portland Community Center: 2:00PM
Arriving Back to Buxton Town Hall: 2:30pm (ish)
Cost: $15 (Includes transportation, lunch, entertainment, games, and some senior resources)

For any questions contact Natalie at nstonge@buxton.me.us 

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Older Americans Month Celebration 
N/A N/A Th  05/15/2025
09:25 AM - 02:30 PM

Town Hall, Recreation Dept
$15.00 R, $15.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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