Buxton Recreation
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First Responders Camp

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First Responder Camp

Buxton's biggest hit is back for a second year! This summer program is a collaboration between Buxton's Fire, Police and Recreation Department. The children will spend two days learning about each department with Friday being a mission day. New this year we are creating two camps for two age groups! Camp Cadets for 2nd-4th grade. Camp Prospect is for grades 5th-8th. Both groups will experience a week full of thrills all while having a camp that is designed for their age! 

$150 (Res) $165 (Non-Res)

Where: Town Hall
Grades: 2nd-4th and 5-8th Grade 
Time: 9AM-3PM

For more information please email Grace Bibber, Recreation Director at gbibber@buxton.me.us 

* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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