Buxton Recreation
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Hart's Turkey Train Register View Cart

Turkey Train
Hart's Turkey Train

Date:Thursday, October 2nd
Cost: $125/person (Includes transportation and turkey dinner!)
Depart Buxton: 7:15AM
Return to Buxton: 3:30PM 

Join us for a Hart's Turkey Dinner on the Hobo Train in Meredith, New Hampshire! We will enjoy a beautiful 2 hour train ride over looking the lake region! Transportation is provided by Custom Coach of New England. We will arrive at the train to board for the 10:30PM departure! After you choose your seat, get ready for 5 star treatment as the wait staff bring you one of Hart's famous turkey dinners!

For more information please contact Natalie at nstonge@buxton.me.us

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Hart's Turkey Train 
21y - 110y N/A Th  10/02/2025
07:15 AM - 03:15 PM

Town Hall, Recreation Dept
$125.00 R, $125.00 NR
* Adjustments and discounts will be applied during checkout if applicable. *

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